Friday, September 02, 2005

Not Another Skinemax Movie

Just about every night, on Showtime, Cinemax, and, oddly enough, Flix, there are these softcore porno movies. They are unfailingly cheesy, woodenly acted, stiffly written, and badly directed. But we all love them anyway, right? Naked chicks, right? Woo hoo! Anyway, here's my idea. I am going to write one based on the ones I have seen, but this will be along the lines of 'Not Another Teen Movie' or something, where all the dialog is given straight, pointing out the weirdness and crap factor of these movies. Here's a sample (with my own commentary in italics and brackets):

We open on an exterior shot of a huge white mansion, maybe with a couple of high end cars in the driveway. It's morning in CA, and the weather is good. Possible crane shot for a few seconds, probably just low angle static shot. (We always have to establish that these aren't regular people, they are rich people who live in some antiseptic house in the Hills) Cut to the bedroom. This room is impeccably clean and decorated like a show house at the Parade of homes. (The houses in these movies always look like the crew snuck into a show model at a new development somewhere. They are decorated like people want to think of their houses decorated, but never actually do it.) There is a woman in the bed. This woman is blond, wearing perfect makeup and a nightie. (These leads are always blond, always perfectly made up and have a never ending supply of flimsy nighties. Considering this is a movie we watch for the skin, it seems like it would make more sense to have her lying in bed naked, but hey, I only follow the rules, I don't make them up) She slowly wakes up, stretches, and gets out of bed. She heads for the shower. (Of course she goes for the shower. We don't want anyone getting bored or forgetting why we are here, right?)

So anyway, that's kinda the style. Now, I know the dialogue is where the parody really gets going, but I don't want to write the whole thing out in here, so I'm just gonna list some of my rules to follow, according to the ones I've seen.

-> The couples in these movies are always well off, but never over 30.
-> The lead actress is either by far the best looking woman in the movie, or oddly and markedly, less attractive than the supporting women.
-> Most of the supporting women will be brunette.
-> The lead male actor will usually wear a mid 90's haircut, have dark hair, have a job that keeps him away from home a lot but that isn't ever really explained, and wear a lot of generic, sometimes too-big suits.
-> The guy always has a friend who is a player.
-> The supporting actresses have kinkier sex scenes than the lead.
-> There are two types of lead female characters. The "bored sexy housewife" and the "dynamic, hotshot sexy professional woman" (who usually has some ridiculous job like crime scene investigator or something you never see or imagine good looking women doing). A lot of the latter are women cops.
-> The actual sex scenes vary wildly as to the explicitness. Some are so slow, soft and boring they don't even resemble sex at all. They look like two naked people slowly rubbing each other or something. On the other hand, some are practically actual porn.

I could keep going, but I think you get the idea. So is this something anyone out there would want to watch (me making fun of these movies) or what? Skinemax, here I come!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are bang on man, we do love em. do you have a list or a torrent site that has them available to download?

1:56 PM  
Anonymous Fucker said...

fuck me.. i'll do one of these chicks

3:36 PM  

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