Friday, August 05, 2005

Can't fight this feeling

I seem to have fallen into one of my periodic blue moods lately, and it really sucks. This happens to me every so often, and I don't really know why. I get this really strong feeling of restlessness, like I just want to drop everything and head out into the wild blue yonder. These are also the times when I feel like I want to smoke the most cigarettes, drink the most beers, and generally behave in a self destructive way. I don't know... More later.....

Ok, this is way later, but I just can't shake this. I feel like one of those animals at the zoo, the ones who just pace at the edge of the cage all day. I feel like there is something out there that I need to do, or that is waiting for me. I hate feeling like this, because I have responsibilities here and everything, but I guess there is no reason to lie to myself and think that I don't feel this way. I wish I knew what to do, this is really getting under my skin. All I ever end up doing is drinking too much, being grouchy and antisocial, and kind of withdrawing from everything. Fuckin great feeling to have...


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