Ok, this is a huge one. (Austin Powers voice) "And I thank you."
What says "Boy Scouts" better than drunken gunplay?

Hopefully this won't be the wine they serve...


Another from the "Racism is fun" department.

Well, at least they are honest. Maybe not so good for business though...

But don't count on it. Update coming.

Snack? The hell with that, I want a whole meal.

Let me guess. Dad was in the Marines.

And the blueberry stains never came out of anyone's clothes. Why, God, Why?!

"Located one block south of 'Cooking With Lard Drive'"

Oh yeah? Prove it! Oh wait...

Wow. This must involve something fairly painful.

The name of this column is "Really?"

This happens to women in tanning salons all the time...

From the "Bad news/good news/wtf" department.

Maybe he was just so embarrassed that someone got a hold of his credit card number. lol

Ahhh, cool weather riding. The wind in your hair, the sun on your face, your clothes insulting you....

Truth in reporting! Finally!

Yeah, obvious mistake here. Anyone could make that one...

"Big money, no food! Wait, what?"

Ummm, I'll pass, thanks...

And finally, the tradition continues. Reminds me of Grandma's.

Ok, this may be one of my weaker ones, but hey, it may be crap, but al least there is a lot of it, right?