Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Thoughts from the bus you say? Too good to be true, I say!

I caught a little of 'Breaking Bonaduce' last night. I'm a little unsure about how I feel about that show. On one hand, it's funny to watch a former-child-star-alcoholic-pill-popping-steroid-taking-bipolar-certifiable-lunatic melt down every half hour, but on the other hand, it's a little creepy. His wife seems completely freaked out by him, along with being sorta weird and out of it, like she's fairly heavily medicated or something. I don't know, maybe I'll watch it again, maybe not. Another thing. They made a big deal out of him taking steroids, but what the hell does Danny Bonaduce need steroids for? He obviously works out, but steroids? Come on...

I need to go out and have one of those nights at the bar that you tell stories about later. Those stories that start out "Hey, remember that night we went to LoDo's and did all the Car Bombs?..."

So there is yet another hurricane down in Florida. They ran out of names and had to go to 'Alpha' for the current new storm. God must really have it in for the Gulf Coast. But to all those saying these are signs of the end of the world, you are a little late. The first sign that Florida would be where Armageddon begins was when the Tampa Bay Lightning won the Stanley Cup. The championship of hockey in Florida? Come on, that's like having Arizona win the water polo championship (if there is such a thing)....

"If trees could scream, would we be so cavalier about cutting them down? We might, if they screamed all the time, for no good reason." - Jack Handey

I witnessed one of the weirdest conversations ever the other day. I was at the video game store in the mall, and I saw a 14 (or so) year-old skater doofus arguing with the guy who was working there, a 24 (or so) year-old gamer weenie about Bush and politics. It was so funny, neither of them had a clue as to what they were talking about, they had just heard some rhetoric and adopted it as their own. Gotta love free speech, but at least try to think about it before you open your mouth, ok, guys?

I am getting to a really weird age right now, where I am closer to 30 than 20, but don't feel like it. So I feel like partying and all that, but then the "mature" side of my brain comes to life and says "Don't. You have work, you gotta save some money, you got stuff to do around the house, blah blah blah." It's like having a stranger in my head. I usually listen though, so I don't know if I am getting old, more mature, smarter, or just lazier.

Ha! I did a spell check, and Blogger said to replace 'Bonaduce' with 'bondage'. I don't know why that is so funny to me, but it made me laugh...

What the hell is that guy's name that does the Oxy-Clean commercials? Billy something? Man, he just keeps going, and going, and going. He's like a auctioneer on meth...

There is a TV in the break room at my work, and whenever I go in there, it's always the most random stuff on. One time I might see Tyra Banks doing the booty dance on her talk show, the next time it's CNN talking about refugees from the storms, the next time it's some soap opera character talking about how they are pregnant with a terrorist's baby or something. It's awesome, it's like the Twilight Zone...

The password on some guy's account that I saw the other day is "bohner". I'm hoping he had a sense of humor and he did that just so he could say 'boner' to a phone rep and get away with it.

Possibly more later...

"Stupid TV! Be...more...funny!" - Homer


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