Thursday, September 18, 2008


Ok, so I guess the podcast thing is tentatively a go. It should be me and my friend Phil. I'm not sure how it will turn out, but hopefully good. I'm assuming it will be a lot of movie talk, so if that's your thing, it should be entertaining. And as you may have noticed, I like to name my features here (Thoughts From the Bus, Cheesetastic, etc.), so if anyone has and suggestions, let me know. Stay tuned.

Cheesetastic needs to make a comeback I think, I liked doing that...

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Possible new feature for What The...? >gasp<

I was thinking of doing a podcast. I don't know if I'll get it going or not though. I'm really trying to get back to the fun stuff here, this got a little heavy for a while, and that's not why I started this here blog, so hopefully that will happen. Just a heads up for all you readers out there, you know who you are...