I need a handicap sticker!
I have a question. When did we, as a society, decide that being morbidly obese was to be considered "handicapped" or "disabled"? It used to be that people who had spinal injuries from car accidents or had some sort of birth defect or degenerative disease were the handicapped group. I understand and agree with that, those are the people who should be considered handicapped. But somewhere along the line, we started considering someone who is just plain fat as part of that group. I am on the bus every day, and I see this all the time. People whose only "handicap" is not being able to say no to McDonald's four times a day expecting special treatment. They consider themselves part of the group I mentioned above. Having cerebral palsy and not getting up off your fat lazy ass and take a walk or have a salad every once in a while are not the same thing. Not even in the same discussion. You expect me to feel bad for you or give you some kind of preferential treatment when the reason you are in the situation you are in is because you are too damn lazy or don't have enough self respect to get some exercise? It's like these people who pitched a fit when whatever airline that was started charging for two seats if someone's ass was too wide to fit into one. What are you thinking, fat people? That you are paying to simply step through the door of the plane, and the rest is a free-for-all? No, you are paying to sit in that seat and fly to wherever you are going. If you take up two seats, you pay for two seats. Christ....