Saturday, May 13, 2006

I hate these people. I really do.

Ok, here is a story is found just sort of surfing around. Here's the link: If you don't want to read the whole thing, I'll summarize. A guy who rented a room at the same house that a convicted sex offender had (not at the same time, the sex offender had moved before this guy moved in), was basically the target of a government funded harassment campaign. Some stupid ass soccer mom fuckwad with too much time on her hands saw him sitting in his car, got online, ran his plates, and because she had the time to cross-reference his address, his plates, and the sex offender database, she sent an e-mail out to the rest of the soccer mom bitches saying this guy was a sex offender or at least friends with one. So this poor guy, who by the way has no criminal record and works in a kid's novelty shop, is investigated by the FB fucking I. The article then goes on to quote these god damn nosy suburban assholes saying that they aren't sorry. They made a mistake and almost got a completely innocent person in big trouble, but they don't care. I'm going to list some of the quotes here.

- Stefani Shuster, who acknowledged in a telephone interview that she wrote the e-mail that put the events in motion, said she had the best intentions.

"I have a family to protect," said Shuster, 39. "My original e-mail was to inform people." -

To inform people? Well, maybe you should get your facts straight first, asshole. Maybe I should inform people that you are an escaped mental patient, then claim, "Well, there are escaped mental patients who are women, I was just trying to inform people." Fucking asshole...

- A few days later, Shuster sent her e-mail to neighbors: "Many of you have probably heard over the past month of an older gray box-style car that has been hanging out at odd times in Summerfield. He was seen again between Cairo and Emmaline last week around 4:30-5:00 p.m."

The e-mail said the license plate number was given to police and traced to Haskett. The e-mail also noted that the Maryland Sex Offender Registry showed Haskett living at the same Liberty Road address as Sanders, the convicted sex offender.

"He [Sanders] is most likely living with and borrowing this car from Haskett," the e-mail said. "Please pass on this e-mail to as many people as you know in this neighborhood." -

Ok, where do I start with this? "Odd times"? 4:30 to 5 pm is "odd times"?! Where the fuck is this, planet Geriactric?!
"He is MOST LIKELY..." How in the fuck would you know what is most likely, bitch? It sound to me like you are most likely retarded. I cannot stand when people who are too fucking stupid to even be employed decide that they have figured things out. At least she was proven wrong in front of the whole country. But this asshat is so stupid she is probably proud of herself for accusing an innocent person of one of the worst things you can be accused of, simply because she didn't know what she was talking about.

- "Don't [mess] with suburbia, because we will chew you up and spit you out," said Summerfield resident Scottie C. Burdette, 45, a mother of five, including Haskett's girlfriend. "Believe me, I got that e-mail about 20 times, so you can imagine how this exploded."

Then Burdette realized that her daughter's new boyfriend, Haskett, was named in the e-mail.

"I was a junkyard dog, instantly," Burdette said. "I told Ali, 'Eric's got some questions to answer for me.' "

Her gut feeling was that Haskett was not a sex offender. But Burdette said she worried that he might be hanging around with one.

"Those people don't get rehabilitated," Burdette said. "That's part of the reason I handled this the way I did."

She said she feels sorry for Haskett -- but only a little. Vigilance is necessary, she said. -

Who in the fuck does this bitch think she is? "Junkyard dog"? You are some over-40, overweight, Oprah-watching, suburban jackoff who has nothing better to do that listen to gossip and try to ruin someone else's life, you asshole! This high and mighty fuckhead decides that she is so much better than everyone else and then when she is wrong, she says "Oh well, I'd rather accuse everyone and be right .0001% of the time that accuse no one at all. What do I have to do in my wasted, sad, pathetic excuse for a life anyway?"

I know this entry sounds like me just ranting and raving, but this kind of thing just bothers the fuck out of me. Why can't the judgmental, shortsighted assholes just leave other people alone? Or at the VERY lease, apologize when they are wrong? That last line in that last quote just pisses me off every time I read it. Can you imagine if that Martha Stewart wannabe was EVER accused of anything? She would be so outraged and indignant, she would be calling Good Morning America whining and sniveling that she is such a victim. Christ. People like this can go to hell. I'm done ranting now, more goofy shit on the way, I promise.


I found another article on this, and here is a quote:
"He was afraid the non-scandal might cost him his job at a joke shop, where he often sells whoopee cushions to 14-yea-old boys. He asked cops what he could do to clear his name.

"They said the best bet is to leave the area," Haskett said."

Are you fucking KIDDING ME?! The police told this guy who had done nothing wrong that he better just move?! Aaaaggggh...